Teak (Tectona grandis) is the most important timber tree in India especially for furniture making.
It can be grown in all parts of the country except dry western zone, the brand name Super 18 Teak was assigned to the top quality teak produced. It is one of the most important hardwoods of the world and used for furniture. It can withstand extreme of temperature (13-44oC), but more profuse growth observed between 7-15 Year. It grows well in rainfall zone of 1200-2500 mm.
Different stages/awareness of teak plantation
- First Year deep inter ploughing of field has to be done.
- Raise the beds to avoid plants falling due to wind.
- First Deep inter ploughing has to be done in the month of July before the onset of monsoon.
- After deep inter ploughing soil work has to be done immediately for 1.5 feet diameter. Plant has to be stabilised by packing it with mud so that
only 1/3rd of the total plant is exposed above the ground.
- Upturning of Soil has to be done in the month of September.
- Application of fertilizer is to be done in the end of September with mixture DAP 10 grams, Urea 5 grams & Vermi compost 3kg Per Plant.
- Second Deep inter ploughing has to be done in the end of October month.
- Upturning of Soil: It has to be done in the month of March to protect the plants from coming summer.
- Fertilisers per plant in second year: DAP 20grams, Urea 15 grams, Vermi compost 10kgs
- Fertilizers per plant in third year: DAP 50 grams, Urea 25 grams & Vermi compost 10kgs.
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Year
- Deep inter ploughing has to be done in the month of October
- Upturning of Soil has to be done in the month of March to protect the trees from coming summer
Seventh year to Fifteenth Year
Only deep inter ploughing has to be done in the month of September.
After plantation saplings should be watered immediately. Drip irrigation is best suitable for teak plants as the plants get sufficient water & absorb nutrients. Plantation will be free of weeds. Hence, plants grow healthy and nourished.
- First one month plants should be supplied with sufficient water
- From 2nd to 5th month water the plants twice a week.
- From 6 - 11th months water once in every 6 days.
Nutrition management is important in Teak plantation. It is directly dependent on soil nutrients and the required nutrition at the developmental stages.
Note: Nutrients supply has to be sufficient for healthy growth of the plants. Depending on the growth of the plant we need to do soil analysis to fulfill the deficiencies. Below mentioned pictures are the plantations where proper plant care has been taken.
Weed control is very important in teak plantation. Weeds to be controlled first year after plantation so that the plants will be getting more nutrition and yield more.
Tissueculture technology
Advantages of tissueculture teak
- Tissue cultured teak plants have the same characteristics of the mother plant, hence has no branches, and has non flaky trunk. The uniformity in height and girth results in excellent volume and quality wood.
- Mother plant is selected after 60 characteristic analysis, hence the clone is highly resistant to diseases and pests.
- Ready to harvest from 8th year
- Returns on yield would be high, as the formation is 75% heart wood and only 25% sapwood.
- Prevents up to 30% wind damage to other crops when chosen as a fencing plant because of its uniform growth.
- Can be planted throughout the year.
- Gives multi fold returns against the investment after 15 years